About CEO

There are some individuals, one in millions, who stand out from the crowd, breaking all received assumptions about boundaries and capabilities. Dr. Nowhera Shaik , a leading Indian woman entrepreneur, the founder and CEO of Heera Group of Companies, hailing from Tirupati in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh is one such individual who through her determination and dedication to the ideals she believe in,
have successfully marked her name in fields so diverse, as education, business and social ser vice on national
and international scenes.
The story of Nowhera Shaik is one of self-determination and dedication. Nowhera Shaik’s life and activities is a testimonial to what women are capable of and is an inspiration to
all those who are locked in their immediate circumstances from realizing their dreams.
Lessons on business as a socially sensitive enterprise.
Profile in Snapshot:
» Born to Shaik Mohiuddin Saheb Kolkar and Shaik Balkij in 1973, Nowhera Shaik , since her childhood had shown extreme concern about the plight of the downtrodden masses in her society, most impor tantly the women of her community.
» Her public engagements since her nineteenth age has proved that, in
spite of her financially well and stable family background, Dr.Shaik has
kept alive the incentive to work and devote life for the uplif tment of the suf fering masses.
» Shaik star ted her ventures in the field of education at her nineteenth age by giving lessons in religion and scriptures for merely six girls,
flourishing in to the a ser vice oriented educational institution set up in 1998 at Tirupati town. From then on, Shaik remains a ray of hope and a source of inspiration for those women who dream and aspire.
» It is this interest in the concerns and needs of the downtrodden groups of her society that initially led Dr. Shaik to the world of business and still
remains the driving spirit of her dif ferent business ventures under the Heera Group of Companies.
» Despite being in the midst of the charms and wonders of the business world, Nowhera Shaik always stood strongly to her ideals and never disremembered her role as a socially responsible woman and an educationist.
» The success story of the Heera Group of Companies cannot be separated from the life story of its founder and CEO. It is Nowhera shaik’s determination to strongly stick to ethics and values in business that has won trust and market for Heera products and ser vices.
» It is nothing but Shaik’s extraordinary business proficienc y that has led to the steady grow th of Heera Group, even while sticking adamantly to Nowhera Shaik’s commitment to an interest- free business enter prise and financially suppor ting Shaik’s various social ser vice projects.
» Realizing that the strong prejudice existing in her community towards educating women, gave them little oppor tunities of empowerment and independence, Shaik’s life is devoted to the mission of educating and empowering women and nothing but determination stood in bet ween Shaik and her mission.
» It is this concern towards the issues of women and the indispensability of politics in addressing social concerns that prompted Shaik into forming of the All India Mahila Empowerment Par ty, taking on its presidentship in bet ween all her busy business schedule. Her new footsteps into politics again prove her devotion and concern towards the course of her people.
» Dr. Shaik’ s international stature hasn’t stopped her from engaging in her local community and being attentive to the needs and problems of her people.She has shown how a woman can rebel and capture the world, while at the same time, be loyal and thankful to the people and nation she belongs to.
» Shaik’ s dedication and devotion in ser ving her people and, her business proficienc y has not gone unrecognized. Nowhera personally and her dif ferent endeavors have won national and international awards and recognitions, in fields as diverse as education business and social ser vice.
» She is chair bearer of various education and women societies including Women’s Helpline, India. She has also bagged the Mumbai Ratan Award 2013 for outstanding contribution in the field of Education and Social ser vice and as well , the Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani Award for Outstanding Individual Achievements & Distinguished Ser vices to the Nation ser vice.
» Dr. Nowhera Shaik is something that happens only rarely in history. It is upon time and history to mark her name as an inspiration and a lesson for generations to come and go.
Early life and activities:
Born to an established business family, Shaik has stepped in to the nuances and complexities of the cor porate world at a very early age, suppor ting her father in his business activities. She has inherited from her family a highly spiritual and well cultured background with remarkable proficienc y in business. Inspite of being par t of her family business chain, Dr. Shaik’s earlier interests were majorly inclined towards the needs of the women of her community, most markedly in the field of education. This led Nowhera Shaik into taking up on herself, the responsibility of educating the girls of her community. A scholar in Islamic sciences,
Shaik star ted her ventures in the field of education at her nineteenth age by giving lessons in religion and scriptures for merely six girls. This flourished into a ser vice oriented educational institution, set up in 1998 at Tirupati town ( as a society registered under Registration of Societies Act, 2001, with registration number: 386/2001) with around 150 students among whom 120 were given free education considering their week financial backgrounds. In 2007, a residential school was set up at Chandragiri village for which some of her father ’s proper ties were sold. The expenses of the Tirupati School , was majorly met through Nowhera Shaik’s personal donations. However, the grow th of the school and the burgeoning rise in its maintenance cost forced Shaik to look for other sources of income. It is this interest in the concerns and needs of the downtrodden groups of her society that initially led Dr. Shaik to the world of business and still remains the driving spirit of her dif ferent business ventures. Her struggles in business and social ser vice haven’t gone unrecognized. As of her educational qualifications, she was awarded Doctorate in Philosophy from The Open International University, Colombo, Sri Lanka.